Young Vine Training Field Course – TX Hill Country
Learn hands-on with Fritz and Racahel about young vine training and unique vineyard innovations.
Learn hands-on with Fritz and Racahel about young vine training and unique vineyard innovations.
Learn proper spur pruning skills hands-on in the vineyard with Fritz, Rachael, and your fellow Academy Members, including in-depth pruning strategies for young vines, setting up young vines for spur pruning, spur pruning for long-term vineyard health and more!
Learn proper cane pruning skills hands-on in the vineyard with Fritz, Rachael, and your fellow Academy Members, including in-depth pruning strategies for young vines, setting up young vines for cane pruning, cane pruning for long-term vineyard health and more!
Brought to you by IGGVA, come learn proper spur pruning skills hands-on in the vineyard with Fritz, including: Spur pruning High Cordon Vines. Spur pruning for long-term vineyard health. Correcting common past pruning mistakes. Demonstration pruning older, declining vines. And so much more… The event is hosted by Elkhart Hill Vineyard in Elkhart, IL. […]
Join Fritz for this hands-on cane and spur pruning field course, including: Pruning strategies for vine production and longevity How to determine the best option in tough pruning scenarios Updated […]
Learn proper cane pruning skills hands-on in the vineyard with Fritz, Rachael, and your fellow Academy Members.