Young Vine Training Field Course – TX Hill Country
Learn hands-on with Fritz and Racahel about young vine training and unique vineyard innovations.
Learn hands-on with Fritz and Racahel about young vine training and unique vineyard innovations.
Learn proper spur pruning skills hands-on in the vineyard with Fritz, Rachael, and your fellow Academy Members, including in-depth pruning strategies for young vines, setting up young vines for spur pruning, spur pruning for long-term vineyard health and more!
Learn proper cane pruning skills hands-on in the vineyard with Fritz, Rachael, and your fellow Academy Members, including in-depth pruning strategies for young vines, setting up young vines for cane pruning, cane pruning for long-term vineyard health and more!
Brought to you by IGGVA, come learn proper spur pruning skills hands-on in the vineyard with Fritz, including: Spur pruning High Cordon Vines. Spur pruning for long-term vineyard health. Correcting common past pruning mistakes. Demonstration pruning older, declining vines. And so much more… The event is hosted by Elkhart Hill Vineyard in Elkhart, IL. […]
Join Fritz for this hands-on cane and spur pruning field course, including: Pruning strategies for vine production and longevity How to determine the best option in tough pruning scenarios Updated vs. outdated pruning strategies Special pruning considerations for young vines and declining vines And so much more… The field course will be followed by […]
Learn proper cane pruning skills hands-on in the vineyard with Fritz, Rachael, and your fellow Academy Members.